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Backyard Skateboarding - Game Boy Advance

Action-Adventure 4.7 ⭐
Released: 2002
Fighting 4.8 ⭐
Released: 2001
Wolfenstein 3D
Wolfenstein 3D
First-Person Shoote 4.8 ⭐
Released: 2002
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball
Fighting 4.7 ⭐
Released: 2003

Backyard Skateboarding2.txt


BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING is a skateboarding video game that was released in 2004 by Humongous Entertainment. The game was available for Microsoft Windows and Game Boy Advance consoles, and was well-received by players and critics alike.

Concept and Development

The concept for BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING was developed by Humongous Entertainment, a company known for producing high-quality educational and entertainment games for children. The game was designed to be both fun and educational, teaching players about skateboarding and promoting outdoor physical activity.

The development of the game was led by lead designer Adam Robezzoli, who worked closely with a team of developers to bring the game to life. The game features colorful graphics and a fun soundtrack, as well as a variety of different skateboarding challenges and mini-games.

Gameplay and Reception

BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING features a variety of different gameplay modes, including a career mode, free skate mode, and tournament mode. In career mode, players must complete a series of challenges and progress through the ranks to become a professional skateboarder.

The game was well-received by players and critics alike for its fun gameplay, colorful graphics, and entertaining soundtrack. The game was particularly popular among young players, who appreciated the educational aspect of the game and the opportunity to learn more about skateboarding.

Legacy and Impact

BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING had a significant impact on the skateboarding video game genre, introducing a new generation of young players to the sport of skateboarding. The game also paved the way for future skateboarding games, such as the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series, which became wildly popular in the years that followed.

Today, BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING is remembered as a classic skateboarding game that captured the fun and excitement of the sport. The game is still enjoyed by players of all ages, and its legacy continues to inspire a new generation of skateboarders and gamers alike.


BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING is a classic skateboarding video game that was developed with the goal of promoting outdoor physical activity and teaching players about the sport of skateboarding. The game was well-received by players and critics alike and had a significant impact on the skateboarding video game genre. Today, the game is remembered as a classic and its legacy continues to inspire a new generation of skateboarders and gamers.

The History of Obstacles in BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING

BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING is a classic skateboarding video game that was released in 2004 by Humongous Entertainment. The game features a variety of different obstacles that players must navigate in order to progress through the game.

Early Obstacles

The earliest versions of skateboarding games, such as the classic Atari game Skateboardin', did not feature any obstacles for players to navigate. Players simply skated around a flat surface and performed tricks. However, as skateboarding games evolved, developers began to introduce obstacles to add more challenge and variety to the gameplay.

In BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING, some of the earliest obstacles included ramps, rails, and boxes. These obstacles were relatively simple, but they added a new level of challenge to the game and required players to learn new tricks and techniques in order to progress.

Advancements in Obstacle Design

As skateboarding games became more popular, developers began to experiment with more complex and innovative obstacle designs. In BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING, some of the later obstacles included half-pipes, vert ramps, and bowls. These obstacles were more challenging and required players to have a greater understanding of skateboarding physics and techniques.

Developers also began to introduce more interactive obstacles, such as car ramps and pool coping, that allowed players to perform unique tricks and combos. These obstacles were well-received by players and helped to make BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING one of the most popular skateboarding games of its time.

Impact on Skateboarding Culture

Skateboarding games like BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING have had a significant impact on skateboarding culture, inspiring a new generation of young skaters and gamers alike. The introduction of obstacles in skateboarding games has helped to popularize the sport and has made it more accessible to a wider audience.

Today, skateboarding games continue to be a popular genre, with new games and innovations being introduced all the time. BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING remains a classic example of the genre and is remembered for its fun gameplay, innovative obstacle design, and impact on skateboarding culture.


The history of obstacles in BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING is a testament to the evolution of skateboarding games and their impact on skateboarding culture. From simple ramps and rails to complex half-pipes and vert ramps, the obstacles in BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING have helped to make the game a classic example of the genre. Today, the legacy of BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING continues to inspire a new generation of skaters and gamers alike.


Early Tricks

The earliest skateboarding games, such as Skateboardin' for the Atari 2600, featured a limited number of tricks that players could perform. These tricks were often basic and included moves like the ollie, kickflip, and heelflip.

BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING, however, was one of the first games to introduce a wide variety of tricks that players could perform. The game featured over 100 different tricks, including grinds, slides, manuals, aerials, and flip tricks. These tricks could be combined in various ways to create unique and complex lines.

Evolution of Tricks

As skateboarding games became more popular, developers began to introduce new and innovative tricks. In BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING, some of the later tricks included 540 spins, varial heelflips, and double kickflips. These tricks required players to have a greater understanding of skateboarding physics and techniques, and they added a new level of challenge to the gameplay.

Developers also began to introduce more interactive tricks, such as wallplants and acid drops, that allowed players to perform unique combos and lines. These tricks were well-received by players and helped to make BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING one of the most popular skateboarding games of its time.

Impact on Skateboarding Culture

Skateboarding games like BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING have had a significant impact on skateboarding culture, inspiring a new generation of young skaters and gamers alike. The introduction of tricks in skateboarding games has helped to popularize the sport and has made it more accessible to a wider audience.

Today, skateboarding games continue to be a popular genre, with new games and innovations being introduced all the time. BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING remains a classic example of the genre and is remembered for its extensive list of tricks, fun gameplay, and impact on skateboarding culture.


The tricks of BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING have had a lasting impact on the skateboarding community and have helped to popularize the sport. From basic ollies and kickflips to complex aerials and flip tricks, the game's extensive list of tricks has inspired a new generation of skaters and gamers alike. Today, the legacy of BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING continues to inspire and influence the skateboarding community.


Practice Makes Perfect

As with any skateboarding game, the key to success in BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING is practice. Spend time in the game's practice mode, where you can experiment with different tricks and combos without worrying about your score. This will help you build up your skills and confidence, so you're ready to tackle the game's more challenging levels.

Master the Basics

While BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING features a wide variety of tricks, it's important to master the basics first. Spend time practicing basic moves like the ollie, kickflip, and grind, and make sure you have them down pat before moving on to more complex tricks. Once you've mastered the basics, you'll have a solid foundation for building more complex lines and combos.

Combine Tricks for Maximum Points

In BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING, the key to earning high scores is to combine tricks in creative and complex ways. Look for opportunities to chain together multiple tricks, such as a grind followed by a manual, or a flip trick into a grab. The more complex and varied your combos are, the higher your score will be.

Explore the Environment

Don't be afraid to explore the game's environment and look for hidden paths and secret areas. The backyard skatepark is full of ramps, rails, and obstacles that can be used to create unique lines and combos. Experiment with different paths and approaches to each obstacle, and see what kinds of combos you can come up with.

Stay Balanced and Keep Moving

One of the key skills in BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING is balance. Make sure you're using the left and right arrows on your keyboard to stay balanced as you perform tricks and navigate the environment. It's also important to keep moving, as the game rewards players who maintain a steady flow and rhythm throughout their runs.


With these tips and strategies, you'll be well on your way to mastering BACKYARD SKATEBOARDING and earning high scores. Remember to practice the basics, combine tricks in creative ways, explore the environment, stay balanced, and keep moving. With a little bit of patience and persistence, you'll be pulling off jaw-dropping combos in no time!