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Castlevania Harmony Dissonance - Game Boy Advance

RPG 4.9 ⭐
Released: 2003
Sport 4.7 ⭐
Released: 2004
worms Blast
worms Blast
Puzzle/Action 4.9 ⭐
Released: 2002
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball
Fighting 4.7 ⭐
Released: 2003

Castlevania Harmony Dissonance2.txt

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance is an action-adventure game that was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2002. The game was developed by Konami and is the second Castlevania game to be released on the Game Boy Advance. It follows the story of Juste Belmont as he attempts to rescue his friend Lydie Erlanger from Dracula's castle.


Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance features similar gameplay to other Castlevania games, with a focus on exploring Dracula's castle and defeating monsters. Juste Belmont is armed with a whip and various sub-weapons, which can be upgraded throughout the game. Players must navigate through various rooms and defeat bosses in order to progress.

The game also features a unique magic system, which allows players to combine spells in order to create more powerful attacks. The magic system is based on collecting spell books, which can be found throughout the game. By combining different spell books, players can create a variety of spells to suit their play style.


The story of Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance follows Juste Belmont, a descendant of the Belmont family, as he attempts to rescue his friend Lydie Erlanger from Dracula's castle. Lydie has been taken by Maxim Kischine, Juste's childhood friend, who has become possessed by the power of Dracula's castle. Juste must navigate through the castle and defeat Maxim in order to rescue Lydie.


Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance features various levels, each with its own unique theme and enemies. Some notable levels include the Skeleton Cave, the Marble Corridor, and the Sky Walkway. Each level also features a boss that players must defeat in order to progress. The bosses include a variety of classic Castlevania monsters, such as Medusa, the Minotaur, and Death.


Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance received generally positive reviews upon its release. Critics praised the game's graphics, music, and gameplay, although some felt that the game was too similar to previous Castlevania games. The game is often considered one of the best Castlevania games for the Game Boy Advance.


Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance is a classic action-adventure game that is beloved by fans of the Castlevania series. With its unique magic system, challenging levels, and memorable bosses, the game is a must-play for anyone who enjoys a good action game. If you're a fan of Castlevania or action-adventure games in general, be sure to give Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance a try.

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance Levels

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance features various levels, each with its own unique theme and enemies. Here are all the levels in the game:

Castle Entrance

The Castle Entrance is the first level in the game and serves as an introduction to the game's mechanics. It features various enemies, including skeletons and zombies, and ends with a fight against the first boss, the Giant Bat.

Marble Corridor

The Marble Corridor is a level that features beautiful marble walls and floors. It is filled with traps and enemies, including Medusa heads and minotaurs. At the end of the level, players will face the boss, Legion.

Aqueduct of Dragons

The Aqueduct of Dragons is a level that takes place in a watery cave. It features enemies such as mermaids and fishmen, and ends with a fight against the Water Dragon.

Castle Top Floor

The Castle Top Floor is a level that takes place on the roof of Dracula's castle. It features enemies such as ghosts and harpies, and ends with a fight against the Skeleton Dragon.

Luminous Cavern

The Luminous Cavern is a level that takes place in a cave filled with glowing crystals. It features enemies such as giant snails and fire elementals, and ends with a fight against the Cyclops.

Chapel of Dissonance

The Chapel of Dissonance is a level that takes place in a dark, gothic chapel. It features enemies such as witches and mummies, and ends with a fight against the Succubus.

Sky Walkway

The Sky Walkway is a level that takes place on a high platform in the sky. It features enemies such as flying imps and gargoyles, and ends with a fight against the Golem.

Aqueduct of Dragons 2

The Aqueduct of Dragons 2 is a level that is similar to the first Aqueduct of Dragons level. It features enemies such as mermaids and fishmen, and ends with a fight against the Giant Merman.

Castle Treasury

The Castle Treasury is a level that takes place in Dracula's treasure room. It features enemies such as money bags and treasure chests, and ends with a fight against the Were-Bane.

Skeleton Cave

The Skeleton Cave is a level that takes place in a dark cave filled with bones. It features enemies such as giant skeletons and spiders, and ends with a fight against the Dragon.

Castle Keep

The Castle Keep is a level that takes place in the heart of Dracula's castle. It features enemies such as knights and wizards, and ends with a fight against the final boss, Dracula.

Each level in Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance is unique and challenging, featuring a variety of enemies and bosses to defeat. Whether you're a fan of the Castlevania series or just looking for a fun action game, be sure to give Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance a try.

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance Enemies

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance features a wide variety of enemies that players will encounter throughout the game. Here are some of the enemies you'll face:


Skeletons are the most common enemy in the game. They are weak and easy to defeat, but can be dangerous in large numbers. Some skeletons will throw bones at the player or charge at them with a sword.


Zombies are slow-moving enemies that are weak to fire attacks. They often come in large groups and can be dangerous in close quarters.

Medusa Heads

Medusa Heads are flying enemies that are difficult to hit. They move quickly and erratically, making them a challenging enemy to deal with.


Minotaurs are large, bull-like enemies that charge at the player with their horns. They can deal a lot of damage if they connect with the player, so it's important to avoid their attacks.


Mermaids are aquatic enemies that can shoot water from their hands. They can be difficult to hit because they move quickly in the water.


Fishmen are similar to mermaids, but are more humanoid in appearance. They can use their claws to attack the player and can jump out of the water to surprise them.


Ghosts are ethereal enemies that can fly through walls. They can be difficult to hit with normal attacks, but are weak to fire attacks.


Harpies are bird-like enemies that can fly and shoot feathers at the player. They can be dangerous in groups and can be difficult to hit with normal attacks.


Witches are human-like enemies that can shoot fireballs and summon other enemies. They can be challenging to deal with because of their range attacks and ability to summon reinforcements.


Mummies are undead enemies that can shoot bandages at the player and move quickly despite their bandaged appearance. They are weak to fire attacks and can be dangerous in groups.

These are just a few of the enemies you'll face in Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance. Each enemy has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to learn their patterns and adapt your strategy accordingly. Whether you're fighting a horde of skeletons or a powerful boss, be sure to use all of the skills and abilities at your disposal to emerge victorious.

Main Character in Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance

The main character in Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance is a young vampire hunter named Juste Belmont. He is the grandson of Simon Belmont, the hero from the original Castlevania game, and has inherited the family's whip, known as the Vampire Killer.


Juste is a member of the Belmont clan, a family of legendary vampire hunters. He is a skilled warrior and has undergone extensive training in combat and magic. He is also friends with Maxim Kischine, who joins him on his journey to defeat Dracula and his minions.


Juste has a number of abilities that make him a formidable vampire hunter. He can use his whip to attack enemies from a distance and can also perform special moves, such as the Grand Cross and the Hydro Storm. In addition, he can use magic spells to deal damage to enemies and heal himself. Juste is also agile and can perform double jumps and slide attacks to evade enemy attacks.


Juste is a brave and determined hero who is committed to defeating Dracula and saving the world from his evil influence. He is also a loyal friend and will do anything to protect those he cares about. Juste is also intelligent and resourceful, using his knowledge of magic and combat to overcome the challenges he faces on his journey.

As the player takes control of Juste and guides him through the dangerous halls of Dracula's castle, they will have to use all of his abilities and intelligence to succeed. With his whip, magic, and agility, Juste is a force to be reckoned with and is more than capable of taking down even the most powerful of Dracula's minions. So grab your whip and get ready to take on the forces of darkness in Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance!

Rules in Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance is a classic action-adventure game that requires the player to navigate through a variety of levels while battling enemies and collecting items. To succeed in the game, players must follow certain rules and strategies.


The primary objective of the game is to defeat Dracula and his minions. To do this, the player must engage in combat with various enemies, using a variety of weapons and abilities. The game's combat system is straightforward and involves attacking enemies with the player's whip, sub-weapons, and magic spells. Players must be careful to avoid enemy attacks and can use Juste's agility and special moves to dodge attacks and deal extra damage.


The game is set in a large, nonlinear castle that the player must explore to progress. As the player moves through the castle, they will encounter various obstacles, such as locked doors and high ledges, that can only be overcome with the right abilities and items. Players must carefully explore each area of the castle, searching for hidden passages and secret rooms to find valuable items that will help them on their journey.

Item Collection

One of the key aspects of the game is collecting items. Players can find various weapons, sub-weapons, and magic spells throughout the castle. They can also find health and mana potions that will restore their health and magic points. Collecting these items is essential to progress through the game and defeat the bosses.

Boss Battles

At the end of each level, players will face a boss that they must defeat to progress. Boss battles are challenging and require the player to use all of their combat abilities and strategies. Bosses have unique attack patterns and weak points that players must learn to exploit to succeed.

Overall, Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance is an exciting game that requires players to be skilled in combat, exploration, and item collection. By following the game's rules and strategies, players can defeat Dracula and his minions and save the world from darkness. So grab your whip, stock up on potions, and get ready to embark on an epic adventure!

Tips for Playing Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance is a challenging game that requires a combination of combat skills, exploration, and item collection to succeed. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the game:

Master Your Whip

The whip is Juste's primary weapon and the most versatile tool in his arsenal. Practice using the whip to attack enemies at various angles and distances, as well as to swing across gaps and pull levers. Learning how to use the whip effectively will be essential to your success in the game.

Use Sub-Weapons and Magic Spells Strategically

In addition to the whip, Juste has access to a variety of sub-weapons and magic spells that can be used to deal extra damage to enemies or solve puzzles. Experiment with different sub-weapons and spells to find the ones that work best for your playstyle. However, be mindful of your mana points, as these can be depleted quickly if you overuse your abilities.

Explore Every Corner of the Castle

The castle in Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance is vast and full of hidden secrets and treasures. Make sure to explore every nook and cranny to find valuable items, including health and mana potions, sub-weapons, and upgrades for your whip and armor. Pay attention to the environment and use your map to navigate through the castle efficiently.

Prepare for Boss Battles

Boss battles in Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance can be tough, so make sure you're prepared before you face them. Collect as many health and mana potions as you can before a boss fight, and make sure your sub-weapons and magic spells are fully charged. Learn the boss's attack patterns and weaknesses, and be patient when attacking to avoid taking damage.

Save Your Game Regularly

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance does not have an autosave feature, so it's essential to save your game regularly to avoid losing progress. Save after completing each level or after finding valuable items, and make sure to save before boss battles.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to mastering Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance and defeating Dracula and his minions. So grab your whip and get ready for an epic adventure!

Game Settings for Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance is a game that features a range of settings that can be customized to enhance your gaming experience. Here are some of the key settings to consider adjusting:

Sound and Music

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance has a variety of sound effects and music tracks that can set the tone for your gameplay experience. Consider adjusting the volume levels of sound effects and music to suit your preferences. You may also want to experiment with the game's stereo and surround sound settings to immerse yourself in the game world even more.

Display and Graphics

The graphics and display settings in Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance can affect the game's performance and overall look. Adjust the brightness and contrast settings to make the game easier to see or to create a more atmospheric mood. You can also experiment with different screen resolutions and display modes to find the optimal combination of visuals and performance for your setup.

Controller Configuration

The controller configuration is an important setting to consider, as it can impact your ability to control Juste and navigate the game world. Consider remapping the buttons to suit your playstyle or to create a more intuitive control scheme. You may also want to experiment with the vibration and motion control settings to create a more immersive gameplay experience.

Language and Subtitles

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance is available in multiple languages, so consider adjusting the language settings to suit your preferences. You can also turn on subtitles to ensure you don't miss any important dialogue or story elements.

By adjusting these settings, you can customize your Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance experience to suit your preferences and enhance your enjoyment of the game. So take some time to explore the various settings and find the optimal configuration for your playstyle and setup.