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Command And Conquer Red Alert - MS-DOS

Command And Conquer Red Alert2.txt Players can choose one of the two sides of the conflict: Allies and Soviets. The conflict between the parties began when Albert Einstein discovered the way to travel in time. Thanks to the possession of a machine enabling such a process, a well-known German physicist wants to reverse the course of World War II. The murder of Adolf Hitler in 1932 did not solve the case. In the absence of Adolf, Joseph Stalin joins the military power, who wants to free the world from the hands of the imperialists. At this point, we can choose the side of the conflict. Our task in Command & Conquer: Red Alert will be to go through 14 different missions. To win, we must build bases and create combat units. Albert Einstein prepares to travel backwards in space-time. He activates his experimental time machine to find himself in Landsberg, Germany, on December 20, 1924, where he meets the young Adolf Hitler right after his release from Landsberg prison. After a short conversation, Einstein shakes Hitler's hand, symbolizing his death. So Hitler did not come to power as the leader of Nazi Germany, which creates a new timeline.The USSR takes land from China and then invades Eastern Europe. In response, the countries of Europe form the Allied Nations and start a guerrilla war against the invasion of the Soviet Army.