Soldiers Of Fortune - Super Nintendo


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Soldiers Of Fortune2.txt Soldiers Of Fortune Until the release of Soldier of Fortune, Raven Software studio was known mainly for the production of dark fantasy FPS (Heretic, Hexen). The new project broke with this tradition, transferring the game to modern times. The game was to be a combination of tactical gameplay modeled on such series as Rainbow Six and SWAT, with fast action straight from Quake II and an almost cinematic scale of the story. From the publishing side, the whole project was supervised by Activision, which at the same time became the owner of the Raven Software studio. The action of Soldier by Fortune centers around a terrorist group led by Sergey Dekker, which steals four nuclear warheads from one of the military warehouses in Russia. Terrorists intend to sell dangerous loot to Third World dictators, which of course poses a serious threat to global peace. John Mullins, the main character of the game, along with his partner Aaron "Hawk" Parsons, are mercenaries working for a mysterious organization known as The Shop. It remains in the service of the US government, and its members are entrusted with top secret missions in the category of those that "never happened." Mercenaries are tasked with tracking Dekker, neutralizing the terrorists, and seizing the nuclear warheads. The gameplay in the single-player campaign is divided into 10 missions taking place in different parts of the world. Mercenaries have to face, among others New York skinheads, Ugandan rebels, Yakuza as well as Iraqi, Sudanese, Serbian and Russian soldiers. Of course, they have at their disposal an appropriately diversified arsenal of weapons, in which you can find, among others pistols, shotguns, sniper and machine guns. They differ not only in the appearance or technique of the shot, but above all in the firepower, which has a huge impact on the type of damage caused. Soldier of Fortune graphics is based on the improved graphics engine Quake Engine II. The fully original idea of ??Raven Software studio is the GHOUL model of body damage. It is based on 26 zones. Hitting some (e.g. the head) causes the enemy to die immediately, while others only temporarily exclude him from the fight. Depending on the caliber of the weapon used, a shot may only cause slight bleeding around the bullet holes (e.g. from a 9mm pistol), or even a fountain of blood. A hit with a heavy weapon generally blows off a limb or causes extensive damage.