Star Wars X Wing - MS-DOS

Star Wars X Wing2.txt Star Wars X Wing The first space simulator set in the Star Wars universe where the player takes on the role of a Rebel forces cadet, a novice X-Wing fighter pilot to fight space battles with the Imperial forces. The X-Wing, together with the Wing Commander, actually ushered in the era of space simulators for PC . Set in the extremely popular Star Wars universe, it quickly became a hit with several add-ons and sequels. The action of the game takes place parallel to the first part of the film (Episode IV: A New Hope), ending with an attack on the first Death Star. The player takes on the role of a cadet of the Rebel forces, a novice X-Wing fighter pilot to fight space battles with the Imperial forces. The game introduces an innovative system of training and battles, valid with minor changes in Star Wars simulators until today. After completing each mission, we are rewarded. In X-Wing, we have three ships at our disposal: X-Wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing. Each of them has been extremely well-polished, has its own characteristic weapons, speed and maneuverability, as well as resistance to hits and damage. You can check your skills in training bases, view combat videos, check technical data about basic machines, and fight in various missions and battles, including historical ones. Two years after the game was created, Lucas Arts resumed the game on CD, enriching it with voice, CD music, new missions and additional graphics.