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Streets Of Rage 3 - Sega Mega Drive/Genesis

Action-Adventure 4.7 ⭐
Released: 2002
worms Blast
worms Blast
Puzzle/Action 4.9 ⭐
Released: 2002
RPG 4.9 ⭐
Released: 2003
RPG 4.8 ⭐
Released: 2001

Streets Of Rage 32.txt

Streets of Rage 3: A Brief History

Streets of Rage 3 is a side-scrolling beat 'em up game that was developed and published by Sega for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis console in 1994. It is the third and final installment in the Streets of Rage series, and it features the return of the original heroes Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding, and Eddie "Skate" Hunter, as well as the addition of two new characters, Dr. Zan and Roo.


The development of Streets of Rage 3 began in 1993, following the success of its predecessor, Streets of Rage 2. Sega tasked the development team with creating a game that would not only improve upon the previous entries but also take full advantage of the Mega Drive/Genesis hardware. The team, which consisted of some of the same members from the previous games, worked on improving the graphics, sound, and gameplay mechanics.

One of the most significant changes in Streets of Rage 3 was the addition of a branching storyline. Depending on the player's choices, they could experience different levels and fight different bosses. The game also introduced a new "Special Attack" system that allowed players to perform powerful moves at the expense of health.


Streets of Rage 3 received mixed reviews upon its release. Critics praised the game's improved graphics and sound, as well as its new gameplay mechanics. However, many also criticized the game for being too similar to its predecessors and for its overly difficult level design. Some fans also took issue with the changes made to the character designs and the controversial decision to replace the original voice actors.

Despite the mixed reception, Streets of Rage 3 remains a beloved entry in the series and has since gained a dedicated fanbase. Its influence can still be seen in modern beat 'em up games, and its legacy has been cemented as one of the best side-scrolling beat 'em up games of all time.


The Streets of Rage series has left a lasting impact on the video game industry and the beat 'em up genre. Its combination of fast-paced gameplay, memorable characters, and iconic soundtrack has made it a fan favorite for over two decades. Streets of Rage 3, in particular, continues to be a popular game among retro gaming enthusiasts and has been re-released on several platforms, including the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.

Overall, Streets of Rage 3 is a classic game that represents a golden age of gaming and is a must-play for anyone who loves beat 'em up games.

Streets of Rage 3: Main Characters

Axel Stone

Axel Stone is the protagonist of the Streets of Rage series and one of the main characters in Streets of Rage 3. He is a skilled martial artist and a former police officer who fights against the criminal organization known as the Syndicate. In this game, Axel is more muscular and sports a new design with a black tank top and jeans. He has a unique special move called the "Grand Upper" that can launch enemies into the air.

Blaze Fielding

Blaze Fielding is another main character in the Streets of Rage series and a playable character in Streets of Rage 3. She is a female ex-cop who uses a combination of martial arts and acrobatics to fight against the Syndicate. In this game, Blaze is depicted with a ponytail and a new outfit consisting of a crop top and leggings. Her special move is the "Flying Knee," which allows her to quickly dash towards an enemy and knee them in the face.

Eddie "Skate" Hunter

Eddie "Skate" Hunter is a young boy and the younger brother of Adam Hunter, a playable character from the first Streets of Rage game. Skate is a new playable character in Streets of Rage 2 and reappears in Streets of Rage 3. He is quick and agile, able to perform backflips and other acrobatic moves to dodge enemy attacks. Skate's special move is the "Rocket Skates," which allows him to quickly skate towards enemies and hit them with a powerful kick.

Dr. Zan

Dr. Zan is a new playable character in Streets of Rage 3. He is a cyborg scientist who has created a powerful exosuit that he uses to fight against the Syndicate. Dr. Zan is a unique character in that he can transform his arms into weapons, such as a laser cannon or a powerful whip. His special move is the "Electric Shock," which sends out an electric shockwave that damages enemies around him.

Skullmageddon (Boss)

Skullmageddon is the main antagonist of Streets of Rage 3. He is a mysterious figure who leads the Syndicate and plans to take over the world using an army of robots. Skullmageddon is a tough boss who can use a variety of attacks, including a flying kick and a powerful punch. He also has the ability to summon robot minions to help him in battle.

Shiva (Boss)

Shiva is a recurring boss character in the Streets of Rage series and appears as a boss in Streets of Rage 3. He is a skilled martial artist and a member of the Syndicate who serves as one of Skullmageddon's top lieutenants. Shiva is a fast and agile boss who can perform a variety of moves, such as a spinning kick and a sliding kick. He is also able to teleport short distances to avoid attacks.

Special Moves and Abilities in Streets of Rage 3

1. Axel Stone

2. Blaze Fielding

3. Skate Hunter

4. Dr. Zan

5. Roo

6. Shiva

These are just a few of the special moves and abilities available in Streets of Rage 3 for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. Try experimenting with each character to see what works best for you!

Streets of Rage 3 for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis: Enemies

Streets of Rage 3 is a classic beat 'em up game for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis that was released in 1994. The game features a variety of enemies that the player must defeat to progress through the levels. Here are some of the enemies you'll encounter:


  • One of the first enemies you'll encounter, Barbon is a bald, muscular thug who wears a tank top and jeans.
  • Barbon attacks with punches and kicks, and can also throw the player across the screen.
  • Ruiz:

  • Ruiz is a slightly more advanced enemy who wears a red suit and a fedora.
  • He attacks with a machine gun and can be quite difficult to defeat if you're not careful.
  • Bongo:

  • Bongo is a shirtless, muscular man with a mohawk who carries a baseball bat.
  • He attacks by swinging the bat and can also charge at the player.
  • Yamato:

  • Yamato is a ninja who wears a black and red outfit.
  • He attacks with a katana sword and can also teleport around the screen, making him a difficult enemy to hit.
  • Shiva:

  • Shiva is a recurring boss character in the Streets of Rage series.
  • He is a skilled martial artist who wears a red outfit and attacks with punches, kicks, and a powerful energy blast.
  • Defeating Shiva is a major challenge and requires a lot of skill.
  • Dr. Dahm:

  • Dr. Dahm is the final boss of Streets of Rage 3.
  • He is a mad scientist who has developed a powerful robot to do his bidding.
  • The player must defeat the robot before taking on Dr. Dahm himself.
  • Dr. Dahm attacks with energy blasts and can also teleport around the screen.
  • These are just a few of the enemies you'll encounter in Streets of Rage 3. Each level features a variety of different enemies, and the difficulty ramps up as you progress through the game. With its fun gameplay and memorable characters, Streets of Rage 3 is a classic game that is still fun to play today.

    Obstacles in Streets of Rage 3

    In addition to the numerous enemies you'll face in Streets of Rage 3, there are also various obstacles that can impede your progress or cause damage. Here are some of the most common obstacles you'll encounter:

    Explosive Barrels

  • Explosive barrels are scattered throughout many levels and will explode if hit by a weapon or thrown object.
  • Electricity

  • Electricity is a common hazard that can be found on floors or walls. If you touch it, you will take damage.
  • Spiked Floors

  • Spiked floors are particularly dangerous and deal significant damage to your character. Avoid them at all costs!
  • Conveyor Belts

  • Conveyor belts can be found in factories and other industrial areas. They can either help or hinder your progress, depending on the direction they're moving.
  • Explosive Crates

  • Explosive crates are similar to explosive barrels, but can be picked up and thrown. Be careful not to accidentally detonate them!
  • Bottomless Pits

  • Bottomless pits are exactly what they sound like - pits with no bottom! Falling into one means instant death, so be extra cautious when fighting near edges.
  • With so many obstacles to watch out for, it's important to stay alert and be prepared for anything in Streets of Rage 3.

    Streets of Rage 3: Exploring the Game's Locations

    Streets of Rage 3, the third installment in the popular beat 'em up video game series, takes place in a fictional city under the control of a criminal organization called the Syndicate. The game's heroes, Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding, and Eddie "Skate" Hunter, must fight their way through the city's various locations to defeat the Syndicate's leader and bring peace back to the city.

    The Streets

    The game's titular streets serve as the first level in Streets of Rage 3. Players fight their way through a city block, taking on various street thugs and low-level enemies. The street also features destructible objects such as phone booths, trash cans, and vending machines that can be smashed to reveal food, weapons, or power-ups.

    The Subway

    In the second level, players descend into the city's subway system to face off against enemies on moving trains and platforms. The subway tunnels are also home to a series of hidden areas that players can discover by breaking through walls or using secret entrances.

    The Construction Site

    The third level takes place on a construction site, where players must dodge falling debris while fighting off waves of enemies. The level features unique hazards such as conveyor belts and heavy machinery that can be used to defeat enemies or cause damage to the player.

    The Skyscraper

    The fourth level takes players to the top of a skyscraper, where they must fight their way through the Syndicate's security forces. The level features a series of elevators that players can use to travel between floors, as well as a variety of environmental hazards such as explosive barrels and collapsing floors.

    The Airplane

    The game's fifth level takes place on a hijacked airplane, where players must fight their way through the aisles while avoiding obstacles such as luggage carts and drink carts. The level features a unique boss battle against an enemy pilot, who must be defeated in order to bring the plane safely to the ground.

    The Syndicate Stronghold

    The final level takes players to the Syndicate's stronghold, a high-security complex filled with traps, turrets, and other deadly hazards. The level culminates in a series of boss battles against the Syndicate's leaders, including the final showdown against the game's main antagonist.

    Gameplay of Streets of Rage 3 for SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis

    Number of stages

    Streets of Rage 3 is a side-scrolling beat 'em up video game developed and published by Sega for the Mega Drive/Genesis console in 1994. The game features a total of seven stages, which the player must navigate by defeating waves of enemies and bosses.

    Difficulty levels

    Streets of Rage 3 also offers players the option to choose between four different difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Hardest. Each level features different enemy placements and tougher challenges, making it a game that can be enjoyed by both casual and hardcore players alike.

    Unlockable characters

    In addition to the three main playable characters (Axel, Blaze, and Skate), Streets of Rage 3 also features two unlockable characters: Roo, a boxing kangaroo, and Shiva, a ninja. Roo can be unlocked by playing on Hard difficulty and defeating him as a mini-boss, while Shiva can be unlocked by completing the game on Hard difficulty without using a continue.

    Cooperative play

    One of the highlights of Streets of Rage 3 is its cooperative play feature, which allows two players to team up and take on the game together. The game also features a variety of weapons and items that can be picked up and used against enemies, such as knives, bottles, and baseball bats.

    Plot of Streets of Rage 3

    Streets of Rage 3 continues the story of the previous two games in the series, picking up several months after the events of Streets of Rage 2. Mr. X, the evil mastermind behind the criminal organization known as the Syndicate, has returned once again to wreak havoc on the city. This time, he has enlisted the help of a mysterious scientist named Dr. Dahm, who has developed a powerful new substance called the "Rakushin", which enhances the physical abilities of whoever consumes it. The game's story follows the efforts of the game's protagonists, Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding, and Eddie "Skate" Hunter, as they attempt to track down and defeat Mr. X and Dr. Dahm, while also dealing with the Syndicate's various henchmen along the way. As the heroes progress through the game's various stages, they encounter a wide variety of enemies, including biker gangs, robots, and even mutated monsters. Along the way, they also meet a number of allies, such as the police detective Max Thunder and the retired wrestler Dr. Zan, who lend their support to the fight against the Syndicate. Eventually, the heroes manage to reach Mr. X's headquarters, where they engage in a final battle against the evil mastermind and his enhanced henchmen. In the end, the heroes emerge victorious, having saved the city from the Syndicate's destructive plans once again.

    Tricks and Cheats for Streets of Rage 3 on Sega Mega Drive/Genesis

    Unlockable Characters

    In Streets of Rage 3, there are two hidden characters that can be unlocked for play: Roo the Kangaroo and Ash the android. To unlock Roo, beat Stage 6 without using a continue. To unlock Ash, beat the game with all four main characters.

    Level Select

    To access a level select screen, enter the following code at the title screen: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, Start. From here, you can choose any level to start from.

    Extra Lives

    To gain extra lives, try these tricks:

    Special Moves

    Each character in Streets of Rage 3 has their own set of special moves. Here are a few:


    For a short period of invincibility, try these tricks:

    Level-Specific Tricks

    Here are a few tips for specific levels: