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The Varginha Incident - MS-DOS

The Varginha Incident2.txt The Varginha Incident The Varginha Incident is an FPS that blends fact and fiction while exploring real events in Varginha. On the side of the aliens, the player has to fight the Brazilian armed forces, trying to save the captured aliens and their spaceship. During the game, the player will discover that an entire underground city called Stonedrome was built in Southeast Brazil, where aliens and human secret agents work together. The game engine is 2.5D, mixing 3D models (for background objects and vehicles) and sprites for characters. The game explores real Brazilian locations, such as Rio de Janeiro's Guanabara Bay, Sé metro station in S?o Paulo, and the city of Varginha itself. At the very beginning of the game, the player is given Bioproc: an alien device that works as both a map and a translator. He will also have to find key items to unlock areas and continue playing.