World of Warcraft: A Tale of Struggle and Betrayal of The Fractured Horde

Many games have left a big mark in the hearts of gamers, but World of Warcraft is a game that occupies one of the highest positions on this list. One of the reasons why the game gained popularity is that the developers came up with a complex world, rich in historical events, races, and cultures. It would seem that the history of the Horde is simple, but it is a fabric woven from the threads of struggle and betrayal.

However, this is also the reason why the game is quite difficult for many players, you need to delve into the complex intricacies of the plot and at the same time develop your character. Many new and experienced players turn to boosting companies for help. Such services provide guides, coaching, leveling, and content. That is why WoW SOD boost is in particular demand because it allows players to quickly level up and at the same time follow the complex plot twists in the game. We decided to turn the chaos of what was happening in the Horde into more orderly events, which will be discussed in this article.

The beginning

The Darkspear clan, refugees saved by Thrall near the Eternal Storm, settled in Durotar's Echo Isles after sacrificing their murlocs. Thrall rescued most, but not the Sen'Jin clan leader. Sen'jin's dying wish led Thrall to save his people. Led by Sen'jin's son Vol'Jin, they're prepared to defend, while Vol'Jin resides in Orgrimmar.

The Horde either did not have good relationships with other trolls, or they simply did not exist at all. The Zul'Farrak trolls live their own lives and don't pay much attention to the Horde. The Zul'Gurub trolls, together with the trolls of the underground Sunken Temple, summoned into the world the ancient deity Hakkar, who enslaved the Zul'Gurub trolls and constantly demanded sacrifices. The trolls of Zul'Gurub generally don't care about the Horde, they are more interested in conquest (they were successful at this) and capturing enemies for sacrifice. Some of them dream of freeing themselves and getting rid of Hakkar, while others travel with him. For some reason, Thrall's Horde did not have the same relationship with the trolls of Zul'Aman and their famous leader Zul'Jin, the hero of the Second War and a good ally of the Orgrim Doomhammer Horde! After all, Blizz created a wonderful plot according to which the trolls Zul'Aman and their leader are simply not in the game, and later in the Burning Crusade they will also become enemies with Thrall's Horde.

Thrall's orcs established Orgrimmar, a formidable fortress named after the legendary leader Orgrim Doomhammer, in the Durotar steppe. Built from night elf forests, fiercely acquired by Grom Hellscream who even slew Cenarius, the city remains a testament to Horde's strength. Yet, some orc factions in Ashenvale still operate sawmills independently. Thrall's initial strategy to peacefully interact with Troggs in Ragefire Chasm caves shifted with Orgrimmar's construction, leading to tensions. The Horde, blaming the Troggs for disruptions, hires mercenaries to resolve conflicts, including with the Trogg leader Oggleflint. The outcome remains uncertain.

The orcs are also threatened by the remnants of the Daelin Proudmoore forces, the Kul'Tiras fighters, who did not join the forces of Jaina Proudmoore and instead built the (pretty good) fortress of Northwatch Hold, and also to the north - Tiragarde, in which they settled. During the war with Thrall's Horde, the Tiragarde fortress was half destroyed, but many buildings managed to survive, the remains of which are protected by the remaining defenders. However, the Horde considers this dilapidated fortress a threat and hires Horde fighters to attack it. Since the remnants of Proudmoore’s forces have nothing else and are not particularly welcome in Azeroth, they will defend these 2 fortresses to the last. Many military men from the Proudmoore army did not want to die on foreign shores and decided to seek fortune in a more romantic field - they became pirates, who, as you might guess, also threatened the Horde. They even have a leader - Baron Longshore of Gilneas. The Horde is also threatened by quilboars. It's not that they are too threatening, it's just that there are a lot of them and they are everywhere. True, in the caves of Razorfen Crawl and Razorfen Downs they were subjugated by local leaders with unclear goals and Scourge with goals that were quite understandable. The minion Kel'Thuzad is sent from Stormwind itself to deal with the lich, the leader of the Scourge in Razorfen Downs.

The Horde largely claims the wastelands known as the barrens. There they built an outpost located at the intersection of trade routes, which is called Crossroads. One of the routes is so profitable that it is called the Golden Road. Not far from the Barrens moors lies the valley of fertile green grasslands called Mulgore. It is inhabited by tauren, who generally live comfortably and do not pretend to do anything. Their capital, Thunderbluff, is located on large cliffs and is as impregnable as Orgrimmar itself.

Sylvanas Windrunner

Well, the most interesting state of affairs developed among the undead, who during the events of Warcraft 3 got out of Ner'zhul's control when he began to lose strength in Northrend and who were led by Sylvanas Windrunner, a former general of the Silvermoon army, which also got out of control. Having fought with the forces of the Scourge and the Burning Legion in Tirisfal Glades, she greatly annoyed them.

Well, the most interesting state of affairs developed among the undead, who during the events of Warcraft 3 got out of Ner'zhul's control when he began to lose strength in Northrend and who were led by Sylvanas Windrunner, a former general of the Silvermoon army, which also got out of control. Having fought with the forces of the Scourge and the Burning Legion in Tirisfal Glades, she greatly annoyed them. She was so annoyed that she was seen as a brilliant leader by the dreadlord Tichondrius, who left the Burning Legion and joined Sylvanas. Together they killed his brother Balnazar, whom Blizzard resurrected after Warcraft 3, pretending that nothing had happened. They also deceived Marshal Garithos, who wanted to recapture Lordaeron for the Alliance. The battle for Lordaeron was tough. They, together with the forces of Garithos, took Lordaeron, but they did not give Lordaeron to him, instead they took Lordaeron for themselves and killed Garithos. The remaining forces of Garithos united and created a powerful force in the region, which was called the Scarlet Crusade and is the worst enemy of Sylvanas, her demon minion, and the Forsaken. They even have a Lordaeron flag, only red. With heroic efforts in this terrible war, they kept the settlements of Hearthglen, Tyr's Hand clean and orderly, bravely defended the Scarlet Monastery that belonged to Lordaeron and also defended an entire quarter in the destroyed and burning Stratholme, preserving it almost in its original form. The members of the Scarlet Crusade are so worn out by war and betrayal that they have begun to see anyone who does not wear their emblem as an enemy. Due to disagreement with the leadership, a group of outcasts broke away from the valiant representatives of the Scarlet Crusade and called their organization Argent Dawn. The troublemakers, instead of finding a common language with the Scarlet Crusade, who are stronger than them, and resolving the existing differences, announce rewards for their heads, hire adventurers and thugs, and wage war with them. Moreover, the remarkable plot developed so rapidly that some representatives of Argent Don sit at the same table with representatives of the Scarlet Crusade in the Lights Hope Chapel and solve existing problems, while other representatives of Argent Don are nearby and assign rewards for them. Blizzard rolled out a crazy storyline in the Plaguelands.

Many in the Horde view Sylvanas unfavorably, especially with a demon at her side. The Forsaken's actions don't align with Horde's values, as they bring conflicts and deceit. Thrall's decision to integrate them, followed by the blood elves and Garrosh's leadership, led to internal strife. Sylvanas' takeover of Lordaeron resulted in the creation of Undercity, and despite controlling a few territories, the embittered undead are prepared to fight anyone who opposes them.

In conclusion, we would like to say that the story of the Horde is not over yet. Therefore, if you want to know the continuation, then expect new parts of World of Warcraft.